Why Spread Sand On Lawn? Should You?

As a homeowner, you’re often looking for ways to spruce up your yard and create inviting spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Right?

Well, statistics show that approximately 92% of homeowners believe having a well-maintained yard adds value to their home. How about creating an oasis in your backyard using spread sand. Believe it or not, over 43 million square feet of residential land in the United States has been improved with spread sand!

But before you start dreaming about this landscaping project, it’s important to first understand the basics of the project.

So, why spread sand on lawn? Should you?  Read on and find out all the ways that this simple solution can upgrade your outdoor space.

Why Spread Sand On Lawn?

Spread sand offers numerous advantages when used as part of a landscape project.

Better Soil Structure

According to Megan Slack, a gardening expert from Homes & Gardens, one of the greatest benefits of spreading sand on your lawn is to improve the soil structure, reducing erosion. The ideal soil structure is made of a combination of clay, silt particles and….sand!

What’s more, sand prevents soil compaction by allowing plants to take root more easily – giving them room to breathe and thrive.

Improving Drainage

For most people, it’s not as easy maintaining well-drained soils especially during the rainy season. The secret is spreading sand on your lawn! So, if you’re like many of us dealing with clay soil, which is notorious for water-logging, think about sand.

Retaining Nutrients In The Soil

Sand encourages those critical nutrients to travel deeper into the soil, which in turn encourages healthy plant growth, meaning a better looking lawn throughout the year! Needless to say, when the soil is loaded with these critical nutrients deep inside, it becomes easier for you to maintain your lawn!

Enhancing Aesthetic Value

Ever wondered why those golf course lawns look so spectacular throughout? Sand is part of the secret! It’s a very common practice in the golfing world, but unfortunately, not many have learnt this secret for their domestic yards!

Using sand as a ground cover adds aesthetic value to your landscape by adding texture and color variation. Add some sand to those unattractive bare spots resulting from human or animal footprints.

Despite all these benefits, Larry Williams, a horticulture expert from the University of Florida, advises that when used in excess, sand can be disastrous for your lawn! It can suffocate your lawn.

In short, sand is an essential tool – when used in moderation – for any homeowner who wants their outdoor area to look its best at all times!

Types Of Sand To Use

When it comes to sprucing up your lawn, sand can be a great resource. But there are different types of sand that suit different purposes.

Playground Sand

Playground sand is coarser than beach sand and often contains silica or quartz crystals which makes it better for drainage

Horticultural Sand

Horticultural sand is very fine and used mainly for potting soil mixes as well as seedbeds.

Masonry Sand

Masonry sand contains tiny rocks, making it ideal for laying brick patio pavers or stone walkways.

Aquarium sand

Aquarium sand has been treated so the particles won’t compact together and form anaerobic pockets in the substrate – perfect for creating healthy environments in fish tanks.

With all these options available, you’re sure to find one that suits your needs!

Application Techniques

Applying sand to a lawn is like painting a masterpiece. The right technique and process must be used in order for the desired outcome to be achieved. With the different types of sand available, it’s important to understand how they are applied and what covering methods should be used to ensure even coverage on the lawn.

Now, there are two main layering techniques – spreading and broadcasting. Either can be employed depending on the type of sand being used.

While spreading involves evenly distributing dry sand onto wet soil with a shovel or rake, broadcasting is done when using finer grain materials over large surfaces.

During both processes, light passes through allowing grass growth which helps prevent weed germination and provides nutrients that help promote healthy root development. Additionally, evening out the top layer of sand will help minimize runoff from heavy rains and improve drainage throughout your yard.

The application process does not stop once you’ve spread the sand. There are several maintenance considerations that need to be taken into account afterwords. Coming up next!

Maintenance Considerations To Consider

Maintenance is an essential factor to consider when putting sand on a lawn.

More Frequent Mowing

Mowing frequency should be increased as often as possible.

The need to mow more frequently lies on the fact that grass grows more quickly in sandy soil than it does in other types of soils.

Intense Weed Control

Weed control can also be difficult due to the lack of organic material within sandy soil; however, regular fertilizer applications may help keep weeds at bay.

Better Water Management

Water management becomes much more crucial with sand-covered lawns because rain will rapidly drain away from plants and into nearby waterways if not managed properly.

Regular Sand Replenishment

Sand can easily erode away over time unless it is regularly maintained and replenished. This means extra work for homeowners who want their lawns looking lush and green all year long!

All these maintenance considerations are important factors to take into account before making any decisions about laying down sand on one’s lawn.

Alternatives To Sand

While sand can be used to help maintain a lawn, it isn’t the only option. There are many alternatives that offer similar benefits and may even provide additional ones. Here are some of the most popular alternatives to spread on your lawn:

Gravel Mulch

This is an attractive alternative to sand due to its natural look and texture. It is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance. Plus, gravel mulch helps retain moisture in soil better than sand does.


  • Retains moisture well
  • Attractive aesthetic


  •  More expensive than other options
  • Weeds can grow through it easily

Pea Gravel

Like gravel mulch, pea gravel has a more natural appearance compared to sand. In addition, this type of aggregate is also relatively low-cost and easy to install. The small size of each piece makes them less likely for weeds or grass seedlings to sprout up between pieces of pebble.


  • Low-cost solution
  • Prevents weed growth effectively


  • Difficult to rake without moving pebbles around too much
  • Not as effective at retaining moisture as other materials like bark chips or artificial turf

Artificial Turf/Grass Seed

If you’re looking for something that looks and feels more like real grass, then either artificial turf or grass seed may be right for you.

Artificial Turf

Artificial turf provides a consistent, lush green color throughout any season while

Grass Seed

Grass seed will require periodic mowing and fertilizing but offers a more traditional look once established.

Both artificial turf and grass seed are great alternatives if you want something that’s easier to care for than real grass!


  • Easy maintenance (artificial turf) or traditional look with regular upkeep (grass seed)
  • Can get same effect year round (artificial turf) or change with seasons (real grass)


  • Costly upfront investment (artificial turf) or long wait before seeing results (grass seed)
  • Possible issues from pet waste (artificial turf) or pests/disease infestation (real grass).

Other alternatives include bark chips, crushed stone, rubber mulch, etc., which all have their own pros and cons depending on what kind of look you’re going for and how much time and money you want to spend maintaining your lawn area.

Ultimately whatever material you choose should be based on both practicality and aesthetics so take the time necessary when making this important decision!


In conclusion, the use of sand as a ground cover can be extremely beneficial. It allows for better drainage, improved soil structure and an overall healthier lawn. Additionally, there are numerous types of sand to choose from, all with their own benefits. Application techniques will vary depending on the type you’re using but should always follow recommended instructions.

Regular maintenance is important in order to keep your lawn looking beautiful and healthy. If you’re not interested in using sand, there are plenty of other alternatives like mulch or rocks that can provide similar benefits.

Whether you decide to spread some sand around or opt for another option, taking care of your lawn does have its rewards! With some research and regular maintenance, you’ll find yourself with a lush lawn no one could resist admiring.

Photos by Negative Space.

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