Should You Water Grass After Mowing?

Once the ravages of winter have passed and your lawn starts growing again, it’s important to mow it regularly to keep it looking in tip-top shape.

However, one thing that sparks much debate within the gardening community is ‘should you water grass after mowing?’

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The short answer to this question is yes, you should water your grass after mowing. However, there are occasions when it may not be completely necessary. 

Below, we’ll take an in-depth look at watering your grass after mowing, including when you should and shouldn’t. We’ll also talk about fertilizing, scarifying, and everything else that you need to know to keep your grass strong, healthy, and lush. 

When You Should Water Your Grass After Mowing

When you break things down into the simplest terms, grass is a plant. And, just like all plants, it needs water to help it grow healthily. This is especially important during hot weather. 

With this in mind, one of the occasions when you should water your grass after mowing is when the outdoor temperatures are particularly hot.

When you cut through each blade of grass, you’re essentially damaging it. This damage shocks the grass into putting on rapid growth, for which it needs water and nutrients. 

This water and nutrients are stored in the earth that the grass grows in.

However, if the sun is particularly hot and the grass has been mown short, there is a much higher chance that any moisture contained in the soil is going to evaporate away. This means the grass hasn’t got the water it needs to grow and, in some cases, it can die altogether. 

To put it simply, if you’re mowing your lawn on a hot day, give it a good drink of water afterward. You’ll need to use more water than you think too, otherwise, you run the risk of it evaporating away before the grass has had a chance to use it. 

When You Shouldn’t Water Your Grass After Mowing

Conversely, if it’s an overcast day and the temperatures aren’t too hot, you don’t need to worry about watering your grass after mowing. The reason for this is that the moisture levels in the soil will still be high enough for the grass to be able to utilize. 

You also don’t need to worry about watering your grass after mowing if rain is forecast for the same day. 

How Can I Tell If I Need To Water My Grass?

If you’re not sure what the weather has in store, there are a couple of things you can do to determine whether or not you need to water your grass after mowing. First of all, get down and personal with it! Run your finger through the grass and feel the earth – if it feels dry, it’s time to water.

Water Grass After Mowing

Another way you can tell if your lawn needs watering after mowing is by walking across it. If you’ve left footprints in the grass, it’s too dry and it’ll need some water. Here is a list of the best lawn sprinklers which make the job of watering much easier.

Finally, you can tell simply by looking at your grass. Healthy grass should be a vivid green color. If you have dry, brown, scorched grass, you should give it a good drink of water. The roots underneath may still be healthy enough to regrow it to its former glory. 

Should I Water My Grass Before Mowing?

Under no circumstances should you water your grass before mowing.

If you do, you could accidentally create many different problems. First of all, your lawn mower won’t cut through each blade of grass with precision. Instead, it will tear through your lawn, leaving the grass susceptible to disease and fungi. 

You also run the risk of compacting the earth that your grass is growing in. This makes it harder for the roots to grow freely through the soil and absorb water and nutrients. And, when this happens, the health of the grass suffers. 

Finally, if you water your lawn before mowing you run the risk of creating a slippery surface.

As a result, you could accidentally injure yourself, which could be especially dangerous when you’re navigating a lawnmower or strimmer around your grass. 

Fertilizing, Scarifying, and Aerating

Your grass will also benefit from fertilizer after mowing as this will feed the soil with extra nutrients and help the grass grow healthily. Many grass fertilizers are liquid-based and can be attached to a hosepipe, making the job even easier.

It’s also a good idea to scarify your grass at the beginning of spring as this will remove any moss or thatch that’s grown over winter. Doing this will give your grass room to grow and ensure that nothing else is taking away vital nutrients. 

Finally, when fall comes around, it’s a good idea to aerate your lawn by plunging a garden fork into it at 6-inch intervals and giving it a slight wiggle. This loosens the soil and helps stop it from getting compacted under heavy rainfall, snow, and ice. 


The answer to whether or not your need to water your grass after mowing is fairly simple. If the sun is beating down on it and the temperatures are high, you should.

If it’s an overcast day or there is rain forecast for later, you don’t need to worry about it. It’s all about using your best judgment, remembering that grass is a plant, and watering it when it needs it.
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