Pros And Cons Of Electric Lawn Mowers

For many of us, the sound of a lawn mower is a summertime staple. It’s that familiar whirring noise that brings with it memories of lush green grass and afternoons spent tending to our yards.

But have you thought of electric models?

In this article, I’ll tell you about the pros and cons of electric lawn mowers. I’ll talk about convenience, efficiency and low noise levels, downsides such as short run times, plus everything else you need to know about this type of machinery.

Let’s dive right in!

Overview Of Electric Mowers

Mowing the lawn is a breeze with an electric mower.

Electric lawn mowers are handy, efficient and easy to use – perfect for those looking for convenience in their yard care routine. They provide all the power of gas-powered models without the hassles or mess. Plus they’re light on your wallet too!

Let’s take a deeper dive into electric lawn mowers and explore why they might be right for you.

Advantages Of An Electric Mower

Electric mowers have a lot of advantages over their gas-powered counterparts. There are three main ones:  efficiency, low noise levels and the convenience. Let’s talk about each.


The first advantage is the efficiency that electric mowers offer.

Electric motors require less energy to operate than gasoline engines, so they save you money on fuel costs while still providing plenty of power when needed.

Additionally, electric motors don’t need tune ups as frequently as gas engines do, which saves time and effort in maintaining your mower.

Low Noise Levels

One of the benefits of an electric mower most people mention is the low noise level.

Gas-powered mowers can be loud enough to disrupt conversations or wake up sleeping neighbors; but with an electric model there’s barely any sound at all! This makes it easier for everyone to enjoy your neatly trimmed lawn without dealing with any outside noise pollution.


Electric mowers come with a host of convenience features that make lawn care simpler and faster than ever before.

Many models feature foldable handles for easy storage, cordless designs for portability, adjustable cutting heights, mulching capabilities and even self-propelled drive systems to help get through those bigger jobs quickly.

These features combined make an electric mower extremely versatile and long lasting – perfect for keeping your lawn looking well groomed year round!

Disadvantages Of An Electric Mower

Electric mowers have their drawbacks, too.

Limited Range Factor

Chances are, you’re going to need an extension cord if your yard is bigger than a postage stamp – and that’s where the limited-range factor comes into play with electric mowers.

They’re Bulky

Electric mowers tend to be bulky, so storage may be an issue for those living in small spaces.

Short Run Times

Electric mowers don’t always offer long run times or much power compared to gas models – making them not ideal for larger yards or tougher jobs like cutting taller grasses.

All things considered, electric mowers are great options for smaller lawns or those looking for something lightweight and easy-to-use; however, they come up short against more powerful gas alternatives when it comes to tackling tough tasks.

Have you thought of the environmental impact of electric mowers? Read on!

Environmental Impact

When it comes to the environmental impact of electric mowers, there are some pros and cons.

Pros To The Environment

Electric mowers don’t emit any emissions into the atmosphere like gas-powered mowers do, making them a great choice for reducing pollution in your local environment.

Additionally, they have a much smaller carbon footprint than their gasoline counterparts due to their lower energy consumption during operation. This can make a big difference when used on larger properties or commercial landscaping projects.

Cons To The Environment

While electric lawn mowers are still powered by electricity which is ultimately generated by fossil fuels. Therefore, choosing an electric model won’t completely eliminate our dependence on these non-renewable resources and could actually increase our overall energy usage if not managed properly.

Overall though, electric lawnmowers offer an environmentally friendly option compared to traditional gasoline models and can help reduce your property’s carbon footprint significantly with regular use.

With that said, let’s move on to cost comparison between gas and electric mowers to see if this eco-friendly option is worth the investment.

Cost Comparison To Gas Mowers

Cost comparison between electric and gas mowers is like comparing apples to oranges.

In terms of upfront cost, it’s no contest: electric mowers are much cheaper than their gas-powered counterparts.

That said, the running costs for an electric lawn mower can add up over time due to electricity prices being higher than fuel rates in many parts of the world. But at least you don’t have to worry about buying replacement fuel or expensive oil changes with an electric model; all you need is a power outlet!

So, while having an electric lawnmower might feel like spending more money initially, it could save you a lot in the long run if your location has high energy costs.

IMPORTANT TIP: Some models come with rechargeable batteries which offer even greater savings compared to corded versions.

Corded Vs Cordless Models

When it comes to electric lawn mowers, there are two main types: corded and cordless.

Corded versions use electricity from an outdoor outlet while cordless versions have built-in rechargeable batteries that hold enough juice to get through most yards before needing a charge again.

Both have their pros and cons, so let’s look at them side-by-side.

Corded Electric Mowers


  1. More power – A corded electric mower can provide more power, making it easier to tackle thick grass or steep hills with ease
  2. Cheaper upfront cost – the purchase price tend to be lower than a battery powered version.


  1. Extension cord required – Although cheaper than cordless, you’ll need an extension cord that has enough reach for your entire yard – which could end up being quite costly in itself.
  2. Limited range –

Cordless Electric Mowers


  1. No extension cords – forget the hassle of moving around your yard with extension cords! Super convenient!
  2. Portable & maneuverable – battery powered models offer much greater portability and maneuverability since you don’t have to worry about where the nearest outlet is located.


  1. Less powerful motor – convenience does come at the expense of having less powerful motors compared to a plug-in model.
  2. Expensive to replace batteries – the batteries need replacing every few years, which is an additional cost you should consider.

If you’re looking for a reliable machine without breaking the bank then a corded option might be better suited to your needs. However if mobility is important then going with a battery powered one may be worth the extra investment.

Ultimately it all depends on what kind of job you’re trying to do and how often you plan on using it – as well as any budgetary constraints!

Having made your decision between a corded or cordless electric lawn mower, it’s time to look into the battery performance and life expectancy.

Battery Performance And Life Expectancy

Cordless models rely on rechargeable batteries for their power, so it’s important to consider their performance and life expectancy. Run-time will vary depending on the size of your yard as well as other factors like grass length and terrain.

Generally speaking, most batteries will last up to 45 minutes per charge with no load; however, some can take over 90 minutes for a full charge.

The life expectancy of a battery is also something to keep in mind when shopping around. Most manufacturers offer warranties ranging from 1-2 years, which should provide peace of mind if there are any issues down the line.

While purchasing replacement batteries isn’t necessarily expensive (around $50-$100), they do require regular maintenance such as cleaning terminals regularly and ensuring proper storage conditions during periods of non-use.

Now, let’s move onto safety considerations…

Safety Considerations

When it comes to safety, electric lawn mowers have the advantage over their gas-powered counterparts.

Lower Risk Of Fire

With no cords or gasoline involved, there is less risk of fire and explosion.

Lower Blade Speed

Electric mower blades are also typically at a lower speed than that of a traditional mower. This makes them much safer for children and pets who may be running around in the yard while you’re cutting grass.

SAFETY TIP: Blades can easily cut through clothes, so make sure everyone in your family wears closed toe shoes when using the machine to avoid any injuries!

Maintenance Requirements

Electric lawn mowers offer a number of advantages, but they also come with their own set of maintenance responsibilities. Managing these requirements can be challenging and time consuming – however if done properly, the electric mower will reward you for your effort.

To ensure that your electric lawn mower stays in peak condition, here are the tips to consider.

Maintenance Tips To Consider

  • Check all nuts and bolts periodically to make sure everything is secure.
  • Clean any build-up from blades before each use as this ensures efficient cutting performance.
  • Keep an eye out for wear on parts such as belts or wheels which may need replacing over time.
  • Always inspect your mower regularly for damage as even small cracks can lead to major problems down the road.
  • When done with the job, turn off the power switch and unplug it before storing it away – this will help prevent accidental starts as well as reduce potential hazards from blade contact.
  • Regularly lubricate moving parts – it helps reduce friction and prolongs the life of the motor components.
  • When storing away during winter season or other extended periods of non-use, remember to disconnect the battery and store separately in accordance with manufacturer instructions.

Following these simple tips will help you maintain your electric lawn mower so it performs at its best when needed most!


In conclusion, electric mowers are a great choice for many homeowners.They are quieter than gas-powered models, making them ideal for those who live in residential areas with noise restrictions. Plus, they’re easy to store due to their smaller size and lightweight design.

But there are some drawbacks – charging an electric lawn mower can be time consuming and it might not be suitable for larger gardens or hilly terrain.

Overall, the pros of using an electric lawn mower outweigh the cons since they’re low-maintenance and eco-friendly.

With just a bit of preparation before use, you can get your job done quickly without having to worry about emissions or loud noises disturbing your neighbors. It’s like getting behind the wheel of a luxurious car: You know that you’ll have a smooth ride ahead!

So if you’re looking for an effective yet efficient way to maintain your garden or yard, consider investing in an electric lawn mower – it’s sure to save you both time and money in the long run!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Noise Level Of An Electric Mower?

On a decibel rating scale, most average electric lawnmowers emit around 80 dB of sound intensity. To put that into perspective, that’s about as loud as a garbage disposal or an alarm clock at night!

Electric mower manufacturers have taken steps to make their products quieter by using technology such as mufflers and other features to reduce noise levels.

Many models now offer sound levels in the range of only 65-70 dB, which is similar to normal conversation or music played on a radio. This means you can enjoy your yard work without worrying about too much noise pollution!

How Easy Is It To Store An Electric Mower?

When you’re considering storing your electric mower, there are a few key things to think about.

First and foremost, make sure you’ve got enough room for this particular piece of equipment. Most electric models aren’t as bulky or heavy as their gasoline counterparts, so they should fit into small spaces quite easily – even under stairs or in closets!

If you’re limited on space, consider getting a foldable model that can tuck away neatly in tight corners.

Secondly, take note of how easy your mower is to move around – some versions come with wheels while others may require manual lifting.

Lastly, if possible try to store them off the ground either by hanging them up on brackets or placing them onto shelves; this will keep them safe from moisture and pests which could potentially damage them over time.

Is An Electric Mower Suitable For Use On A Hilly Terrain?

When it comes to tackling a hilly terrain, most electric mowers can handle most slopes with ease, thanks to their powerful motors and adjustable cutting heights. However, more extreme inclines may require you to push the machine up or down which is not ideal if you have a larger area to cover.

Another potential downside is the charge time required; some electric mowers take over 40 minutes before they’re ready for use again after running out of juice. This could be problematic when trying to tackle tougher hills where extra power is needed due to uneven surfaces.

How Long Does It Take To Charge An Electric Mower?

Depending on the model you choose, charging times can vary significantly.

Generally speaking, electric mowers take anywhere from two hours for basic models up to eight hours or more for higher-end ones. The exact time depends on the battery size and charging speed of the particular model you purchase.

The way an electric mower charges also plays a big role in its overall efficiency rating. If your mower has a low charging capacity, then you’ll have to wait longer for it to fully recharge after each use—this could be especially problematic if you’ve got a large yard that needs plenty of attention.

On the other hand, high-capacity batteries can make quick work out of recharging so you don’t have too much downtime between cuts. Knowing what kind of charging power your electric mower needs before buying is key to getting maximum performance over time.

Is An Electric Mower Suitable For Large Gardens?

Generally speaking, electric mowers usually come with variable speed settings which makes them well suited for small yards as well as larger ones since you can adjust the power level depending on how much grass needs cutting.

The downside to using an electric mower is that they typically have shorter battery life than their gas-powered counterparts and will need to be recharged after each use. So, the bigger the yard, the more the recharging times.

On the plus side, electric mowers tend to be more eco-friendly than gas mowers as they don’t emit harmful fumes or require regular oil changes like their gasoline counterparts. They also provide quieter operation, so you won’t disturb your neighbors while taking care of your yard!

All things considered, whether or not an electric mower is suitable for large gardens really depends on what kind of job you need it for and what type of terrain you’ll be working with. With careful planning and research though, anyone can find the perfect fit for their lawncare needs!


Photo by Freepic.
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