How To Use A Spreader To Spread Grass Seed?

Are you looking for a way to give your lawn the lush, green look of perfection? Invest in a spreader!

Spreaders evenly distribute grass seed quickly over large areas in no time at all!

But how do you use a spreader to spread grass seed? Read on for all the information you need to know about using a spreader to spread grass seed, with the objective of having that lush, green, perfect-looking lawn in no time!

Types Of Spreaders Available

When it comes to spreading grass seed, there are several types of spreaders available.


The most common type of spreader is the broadcast spreader

A broadcast spreader looks like a wheelbarrow with an attached hopper where you put your product in. These machines have a fan at the back which shoots out your desired amount of seed over a wide area, making them perfect for more extensive lawns!


A spinner-spreader is a hand-held device that uses centrifugal force to disperse the seeds in an even layer over the ground. It’s great for smaller areas and can be used with one or two hands.


For larger patches, you might try using a drop-spreader. This type of machine dispenses the seed from below so it lands evenly on top of the soil.


If you don’t want to invest in any expensive machinery, you could use a handheld spreader instead – just tip the contents into it and walk around while shaking it gently as you go.

Tow Behind Spreader

Finally, there’s also tow-behind-spreaders if you’re looking for something bigger. These spreaders are usually attached to tractors and ride-on mowers, making them ideal for large spaces such as fields or parks.

With all these options available, now is the time to get prepared and start seeding!

Preparing The Area To Be Seeded

Preparing the area to be seeded is key when it comes to achieving a lush lawn and garden.

Before spreading any seed, start by making sure the soil surface is prepared correctly.

This means:

  • Aerating the soil.
  • Removing weeds.
  • Removing stones and debris.
  • Adding fertilizer or compost if needed.
  • Levelling off bumpy patches of ground with a rake and shovel.

If you are planting grass seeds in an existing lawn, make sure to mow down the height of the grass so that new growth can come through easily.

Wondering how to calculate the amount of seed needed for your lawn? Read on!

Calculating The Amount Of Seed Needed

Calculating the amount of seed needed for your grass-seeding project is an important step. To determine how much you need, there are a few simple calculations you can do.

Step 1

Figure out the total square footage that needs to be covered. This can be done by measuring the length and width of the area in feet and multiplying them.

Remember the elementary school basic formula for calculating area:

Area = Length X Width

Step 2

Look at the label on your bag of seed to see how many square feet it will cover, then divide that number into the total square footage from above. This will give you a general idea of how many bags you’ll need.

TIP: Check with your local garden store or nursery to find out what type of soil your lawn has – this will help inform which type of seed is best for your climate and conditions.

Knowing exactly how much seed is required helps ensure success when using a spreader – too little won’t provide good coverage, while too much could lead to excessive runoff and waste money. Taking time upfront to get these calculations right sets you up for success later!

Choosing The Right Seed

Choosing the right grass seed for your lawn can be a difficult task. There are many different types of grass seeds and varieties to choose from, so it is important to use a guide when selecting which one will work best in your yard.

To make sure you get the most out of your grass seed selection process, here are some things to consider.


Once these factors have been weighed, you should look into what variety or blend works best for each particular need.

For instance, if you live in an area with cold winters, then cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass or ryegrass might be better suited than warm-season varieties like bermudagrass or zoysiagrass.

Type Of Soil

Different types of soil require different levels of lawn maintenance, in terms of watering. For instance, sandy soils may require more frequent irrigation whereas clay soils hold water longer and thus tend to require less maintenance.

Weed Prevention Needs

Certain varieties excel at preventing weeds while others may provide lush green coloration desired by homeowners looking for aesthetically pleasing results.


Depending on how much money you’re willing to spend on buying new grass seed, there are various options available. They range from low cost store brands all the way up to premium mixes that can help give any homeowner their dream lawn.

By taking all of this into account before purchasing your next bag of grass seed, you can ensure that your lawn will look great year round.

Filling And Adjusting The Spreader

Now that your spreader is all set up, it’s time to fill it with grass seed and make any necessary adjustments. To get started, you’ll need the right type of grass seed to match the climate where you’re spreading.

There are a few ways to fill it:

  1. You can use a scoop or shovel to pour in the seeds one handful at a time.
  2. You can also buy special bags designed for filling spreaders quickly and easily.
  3. If you have access to an augur machine, this will help speed up the process even more!
  4. Finally, you may want to try using a garden hose attachment to control how much seed is dispersed into the spreader at once.

Once your spreader is filled, check all settings and adjust as needed so that the seed will be distributed evenly when applied. Make sure there’s no clumping or unevenness in distribution, as this could cause patchy results down the line.

Once everything looks good and adjusted properly, you’ll be ready for applying the seed evenly across your lawn!

How To Achieve Even Distribution

Using a seed spreader is an effective and efficient way to apply grass seed evenly. But how can you achieve even distribution?

Well, different types of spreaders have different accuracy levels, in terms of even distribution. For instance, a drop spreader will likely have a more even distribution than a similar quality broadcast model.

Whichever model you choose, to achieve an even distribution, slowly move the spreader in even rows across the entire area where you want to lay down new grass seed. Be sure not to overlap areas as this could cause too much seeding in one spot which can prevent proper growth.

To ensure full coverage throughout the newly seeded area, walk up and down each row two times – once from left to right and again from right to left. This will help get maximum distribution of both large and small sized seeds.

TIP: When it comes to spreading grass seed with a spreader, timing is key. The best time of year will vary depending on where you live and what type of grass you’re looking to grow. Generally speaking, late summer or early fall are good times for most areas.

With proper application techniques and patience, you’ll be able to have a lush green lawn before long! Now let’s discuss aftercare for newly seeded areas…

Aftercare Tips

Now that you have used a spreader to evenly distribute grass seed over your lawn, it’s time to give the new seeds all they need to become healthy and strong.

To ensure the best results with your newly seeded area, there are several aftercare steps that should be taken into consideration.


One of the most important things for newly seeded areas is water. Keeping up with a regular watering schedule will help promote growth and keep weeds away.

Start off by giving the area about an inch of water every few days or so until the new grass starts growing in. This usually takes two to three weeks depending on the climate conditions. Once you notice the first signs of green, cut back on how often you’re watering and only do it when necessary. This will also help prevent weed infestation from occurring at this stage.


Start mowing once your seeds start sprouting out of the ground. Be sure not to set mower blades too low since cutting grass too short could damage young shoots and stunt their growth potential.

Weed Control

Weed control measures may also be needed if any pesky intruders try to take root near your freshly planted grass patches – spot treatments are effective here, but always double check labels before use!

With proper care and attention, you’ll soon have lush greenery covering your yard in no time!


Overall, using a spreader to spread grass seed can be an effective way of achieving lush green grass. With the right maintenance and care, you’ll be able to use your spreader for years to come.

That said, it’s important to keep safety in mind when using any kind of machinery or equipment. It pays off in the long run to take some extra time and do things according to instructions. As far as germination goes, this process usually takes about two weeks before you start seeing results – so don’t expect instant gratification!

Finally, in case you encounter any difficulties, it’s advisable to enlist help from someone experienced in order ensure everything runs like clockwork – after all, practice makes perfect!

All in all, by following these tips and keeping safety paramount at every turn, you should have no trouble getting your lawn looking great with minimal effort – just remember: slow and steady wins the race!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take For Grass Seed To Germinate?

The answer depends on several factors, such as its type and environment.

Generally speaking, most grass seeds will begin sprouting within 7-14 days in ideal conditions, but the process of germination itself also varies from one species to another.

However, there is no exact timeline that applies to all types of grass seed. It can take weeks or even months depending on the variety and outside temperature. If temperatures stay low, germination may be delayed significantly.

Additionally, humidity levels must remain high enough for proper germination rate; otherwise, some seeds may not sprout at all! Also keep in mind that other environmental factors like soil pH level or amount of sunlight in the area might affect the speed of germination too.

What Is The Best Time Of Year To Spread Grass Seed?

When figuring out the best time to spread grass seed around your house, consider both spring and fall seasons.

During these two times of the year, temperatures tend to be milder than during other parts of the year which makes them ideal for sowing seeds. The ground also tends to have enough moisture at this point so that newly planted seeds won’t dry out quickly; however, make sure not to wait too long or else they may become dormant due to cold weather.

Additionally, some areas may require specific dates within those seasonal months like late-March/early April or mid-September through October depending on their climate zone. Make sure to research your local gardening regulations before starting any project involving grass seeding!

Are There Any Special Instructions For Using A Spreader On Sloped Terrain?

Using a spreader for grass seed on sloped terrain is no joke! It can seem like an impossible mission, especially if you’re not sure what to do. But there are some special instructions that will help make the job easier and give you better results.

First of all, when using a spreader on sloped terrain, be sure to set it at the right angle so it won’t roll down the hill with your precious seeds in tow! Adjusting the settings correctly will ensure that you get an even distribution of grass seed across the area.

Also, don’t forget to keep an eye out for any rocks or other debris that could block your path – this could be disastrous for your lawn! To top it off, use caution when moving around hillsides; take short steps and steady yourself as much as possible to avoid slipping or losing balance.

What Are The Best Maintenance Practices For A Spreader?

Maintaining a spreader is an important part of keeping it in top shape. Proper upkeep and cleaning will help to ensure that your grass seed spreader works for years to come. Here are some essential tips for maintaining your spreader.

  • Clean the hopper after each use.
  • Inspect tires for wear
  • Tighten loose components like knobs, levers, etc.
  • Check oil levels regularly
  • Check all nuts, bolts, and other hardware on the device to make sure they’re secure and not loose or corroded.
  • Lubricate moving parts such as gears or bearings if necessary.
  • Inspect hoses and connections for signs of wear or damage and replace them if needed.

Spreaders should also be stored properly when not in use. It’s best to keep them indoors away from moisture and sunlight so they don’t rust or degrade over time. Additionally, you’ll want to run the motor every few months while following manufacturer instructions – this helps keep everything running smoothly and prevents clogs caused by dried-out components.

With these simple steps, your spreader can stay in good condition for many seasons!

Are There Any Safety Considerations To Keep In Mind When Using A Spreader?

When considering spreader safety, start by getting familiar with the spreader’s features such as the hopper door and the shutoff control lever before operating it. Make sure all nuts, bolts, and screws are tight so they won’t fly off or cause an obstruction while in use.

Checking that these parts are functioning properly will give you peace of mind while working. It’s also essential to conduct regular maintenance checks (mentioned earlier) on your spreader after each use.

For grass seed safety, be aware of proper storage guidelines such as keeping bags sealed away from moisture and sunlight until ready to use. Additionally, check labels carefully for instructions regarding application rates since improper seeding can cause problems later on.

Lastly, keep in mind that slopes present special considerations when applying grass seeds (or fertilizers) with a spreader due to potential runoff issues caused by uneven distribution or wind direction changes. So pay close attention when navigating uphill or downhill terrain with your equipment to avoid mishaps!

With careful preparation and mindful operation, you’ll have no trouble ensuring safe usage of a spreader while enjoying lush carpets of green once those seeds grow into healthy plants!


Photo by Anna Roguszczak.
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