How Does A Compost Spreader Work?

Americans save up to $300 million each year by using compost instead of chemical fertilizers. Compost is such a saver! That’s why many people invest in compost spreaders!

Compost spreaders are one of the most important tools for helping farmers and gardeners get their land ready to grow crops or flowers… and their lawns!

But how does a compost spreader work?

In this article, I’ll take you through all the details of how a compost spreader operates. Read on to find out more!

What Is A Compost Spreader?

Compost spreaders are tools designed to evenly apply compost material to a lawn or garden.

Compost is an essential part of any soil health plan and helps promote plant growth, water retention, and nutrient availability.

A well-executed compost application can be like a breath of fresh air for your outdoor space – transforming it from dull and drab into the greenest backyard in the neighborhood!

Each type has its place when applying compost to different surfaces and areas.


There are many types of compost spreaders available, each with its own unique features and benefits. Whether you’re a farmer looking to fertilize crops or a homeowner looking for an efficient way to apply fertilizer in the garden, there is sure to be a spreader that suits your needs.

The most common types of compost spreader are:

Fertilizer Spreader

This device is designed to evenly distribute fertilizer on large areas quickly and efficiently. It consists of two hoppers which can contain different types of fertilizers and has adjustable settings to control how much fertilizer it distributes at once.

Fertilizer spreaders come in both manual and powered versions. Whichever suits your preferences!


Seed spreader works similarly to the fertilizer spreader but instead spreads seeds over large areas. Seed spreaders come in various sizes depending on what size area they need to cover, as well as manual and powered models.


Rotary spreader also known as a broadcast spreader. This machine throws out dry granules such as sand or gravel from spinning discs mounted atop it.

The rotary speed setting determines how fast these discs spin, allowing users to adjust the rate of application accordingly.


Drop spreader drops small amounts at predetermined intervals along its path according to user settings like seed type and desired coverage area per bag used.

Drop spreaders are great for covering smaller spaces than other models due to their more precise application method since no material escapes beyond where it’s intended to go.

Ultimately selecting the right model means taking into account all factors before making a purchase decision so you get exactly what you need for maximum efficiency and effectiveness!

How These Machines Work

Preparing For Use

Preparing a compost spreader may seem daunting, but it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Start by loading up your compost–grab some shovels, buckets, or wheelbarrows and get to work.

Once you have enough material to begin, it’s time for spreader preparation.

Connect any necessary components such as an electric motor or air compressor and make sure all hoses are secure. Proceed to adjust any settings on the spreader so that they match what is required of the job at hand.

Be sure to calibrate the spreader properly too; this will ensure that the fertilizer spreads evenly over your desired area.

With everything in place, you’re ready for operation!

How To Operate It

Operating a compost spreader is easy when you know the basics. Before getting started, always make sure to read the operator’s manual and check for any safety issues or precautions that must be taken.

Also, it’s important to inspect all parts of the spreader – including tires, hoses, brakes and levers – before starting up.

Once everything has been checked out and double-checked, it’s time to get going!

When operating a compost spreader, it’s best to keep your speed slow but steady. Be mindful of obstacles in your path like rocks, stumps or large clumps of soil that could damage the machine if driven over too quickly.

The goal is to disperse the compost evenly so take your time with each pass. When finished, don’t forget to clean off any excess material from around the hopper before shutting down the machine for good.

Maintenance Tips

Maintaining a compost spreader is an important part of ensuring that your equipment works efficiently and effectively. Just like any other machine, it will require regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly.

The following are some key tips for keeping your compost spreader in top condition:

Regular Check Ups

Regularly check the parts and components of the spreader for signs of wear or damage. Make sure all nuts and bolts are tightened securely and replace any worn out parts as needed.

Wash After Use

Clean the hopper after each use with a brush and water hose to remove dirt, debris, and clumps of compost. This will help prevent blockages from occurring down the line.


Lubricate moving parts such as conveyor belts on a regular basis using oil or grease recommended by the manufacturer. Doing this regularly helps ensure smooth operation during spreading activities while also preventing buildup of rust or corrosion over time.

Monitor Tire Pressure

Check tire pressure monthly; make sure they’re inflated properly according to specifications given by the manufacturer so you don’t end up with flat tires unexpectedly in the field!

Store Properly

Always store your spreader indoors when not in use – exposure to extreme temperatures can cause premature wear and tear on components which could lead to costly repair bills down the road.

By following these basic maintenance tips, you should be able to extend the life of your compost spreader significantly and enjoy years of trouble free service from your investment! Coming up next, the advantages of using these machine. Read on!

Advantages Of Using A Compost Spreader

There are loads of benefits of using compost spreaders over traditional methods such as hand-spreading or tilling with machinery to apply compost to your lawn. Here are a few.

Labor & Time Efficiency

Using a compost spreader is an efficient way to apply fertilizer and other nutrients to your lawn or garden. It allows you to cover large areas quickly and efficiently while leaving behind an even layer of premium quality organic fertilizer that will break down properly into your soil.

It’s also a great labor-saving device that can help you save time and energy while completing the task of fertilizing.

Reduced Risk Of Soil Compaction

Because no heavy equipment is used, less soil compaction occurs so plants can root deeper giving them access to greater nutrients from their environment.

Plus, since a compost spreader applies the material directly onto the ground without disrupting existing vegetation like some tillers do, there’s less disruption overall for better results in less time!

Easy To Maintain

Compost spreaders also require very little upkeep – they only need to be lubricated periodically and kept clean after each use. This makes them ideal for those who don’t have time or resources available for more intensive maintenance tasks.

Minimize Wastage Through Controlled Application

When operating a compost spreader, the user can easily adjust the amount of material being applied as well as the width of application.

With controlled application, users can apply just the right amount in even layers which makes sure that just the right amount of compost gets applied in a uniform pattern over your soil. This means maximum effectiveness and in turn better coverage for more even results with less effort from you!

Better Soil Aeration

Not only does using a compost spreader save you time and energy, but there are environmental benefits as well. When used properly, this tool helps aerate the soil which increases water absorption and strengthens root systems leading to healthier plants.

Reduced Pollution In Waterways

In addition, when used correctly, a compost spreader prevents runoff into streams and rivers by keeping all the ingredients within their designated area so they don’t pollute water sources.

All these factors combine to make this an ideal choice for anyone looking to get maximum benefit out of their composting efforts.


Though a compost spreader can be used to effectively distribute nutrients and other materials across large areas, it has some inherent drawbacks that should be considered.

Inefficient For Starters

For starters, using one is rather inefficient when compared to the alternative of manually spreading material with rakes or trowels.

Its A Labor Intensive Process

This labor-intensive process can take hours, if not days, to complete depending on the size of the area in question.

Unevenly Spread Materials

Additionally, many users have encountered issues with unevenly-spread material due to problems with the machine itself.

High Cost Involved

The high cost associated with purchasing and maintaining such equipment makes this option less desirable for those looking for more affordable options.

Require Training

Furthermore, they are often difficult to use properly without adequate training and experience in operating them.

In short, while compost spreaders offer great convenience for larger operations, there are notable drawbacks which must be taken into consideration before investing in one. Thus, alternatives may exist which provide similar benefits at a lower cost and require less effort overall.


It’s possible to spread compost without using a compost spreader. Hand-spreading, fork-spreading and manual spreaders are all alternatives for spreading compost on the ground or in garden beds.

Here’s a list of other ways you can spread your precious compost.


This old-school method is just as it sounds – taking handfuls of compost and throwing them across the area where you want coverage.

Hand-spreading is an effective way to cover large areas with compost but does require some muscle power!

Fork Spreading

If you have access to a pitchfork, this might be an easier option than hand-spreading. Use the pitchfork to rake through larger piles of compost, breaking it up into smaller pieces before scattering over the desired area.

Manual Spreaders

These small devices attach to wheelbarrows or buckets and evenly distribute the material below them when pushed along the surface you wish to treat. They come in various sizes so choose one that fits your needs best!

Rotary Spreader

A rotary spreader utilizes rotating drums which fling out material onto the targeted surface – perfect if you need speed and efficiency while applying compost!

Broadcast Spreaders

Similar to a rotary spreader, broadcast spreaders work by spreading material from hoppers above their wheels. The higher hopper gives these machines more range and accuracy than rotary models making them ideal for covering wider areas with ease.

Using any of these methods will help get your nutrient rich soil amendment distributed quickly and easily around your outdoor space – no fancy machinery required!


Using a compost spreader is an effective way to help the environment, and it’s becoming increasingly popular.

They’re relatively low-cost – you can get one for around $200 – and easy to use, so anyone can start composting. Plus, they’re great for spreading materials like leaves or grass clippings quickly and evenly over your garden.

When using a compost spreader, it’s important to take safety precautions like wearing protective gear such as gloves or goggles.

Remember that even though these machines are designed with durability in mind, they still need regular servicing every two years or so. That ensures they’ll stay running smoothly while helping you keep your yard looking its best!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does A Compost Spreader Cost?

When considering the price of a compost spreader, there are several factors to consider. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Material Used

The type of material used in making a compost spreader will determine its overall price. Plastic models tend to be more affordable than stainless steel ones – but they also don’t last as long.

Size & Capacity

Larger models with higher capacities usually come with bigger price tags. They also require stronger engines and larger tires, both of which add up quickly when pricing out new equipment.

Brand Name:

A well known brand name might mean higher quality construction materials and better warranties – but it could also mean paying more for that extra assurance.

Whether you choose plastic or metal, large or small – one thing is certain: investing in a good-quality compost spreader can save you time and money in the long run! Plus, with proper maintenance and regular use, these machines can last for years without needing major repairs. That makes them well worth their initial investment!

Are Compost Spreaders Easy To Use?

Well, the answer depends on a few things.

If you’re familiar with operating machinery, then it’s likely that using one won’t be too hard for you. On the other hand, if you don’t know much about how machines work, you may need some guidance in order to figure out how to operate a compost spreader correctly.

So, when you know how to operate the machine, compost spreaders are easy to use! In fact, when it comes to spreading compost evenly and quickly, nothing beats a quality compost spreader.

Most of them are designed with simple levers or buttons that allow users to control the amount of material being distributed as well as its speed and direction. This makes it easier than ever before to get even coverage while also reducing waste during application. Additionally, many models come equipped with features like adjustable settings so you can tailor your results according to your needs.

What Kind Of Materials Can Be Spread With This Machine?

A compost spreader is a versatile tool that has multiple uses and can be used to spread various materials around your garden or lawn. You can use it to spread materials such as:

  • Fertilizer
  • Mulch
  • Manure
  • Grass seed
  • Lime
  • Gypsum

What Safety Precautions Should Be Taken When Using These Spreaders?

When using a compost spreader, there are certain safety precautions that should be taken. These steps help to ensure the safe operation of the spreader and reduce potential risks or injuries. The key points to consider when operating a compost spreader include:

  1. Wearing protective clothing such as gloves, goggles, and long pants
  2. Staying clear of moving parts like augers and rotating blades
  3. Knowing how to shut off the machine in an emergency situation
  4. Keep kids and pets away from operating areas at all times. Be sure any bystanders know not to stand near spinning components or other hazardous work zones when the machine is running.
  5. To increase user safety even further, invest in quality accessories like non-skid shoes, hard hats, and heavy-duty earplugs if necessary.

Taking small steps towards prevention now will save time later spent dealing with potential accidents or medical bills due to injury – after all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

How Often Do They Need To Be Serviced?

Compost spreaders need regular servicing in order to keep them running at their best. The service intervals vary depending on the make and model of the spreader as well as how much wear and tear they’re subjected to.

Generally speaking, most models require servicing every 100-200 hours of operation or annually – whichever comes first.

During these services, the oil must be changed and any worn parts replaced before further use. Inspections for general wear and tear are also necessary during this time so that any potential issues can be addressed promptly.


Photo by Aleksey Demidov.
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