Can You Use A Lawn Spreader For Salt? And Should You?

Doing your own lawn care can be daunting, especially if you’re new to it. One of the most important tasks is keeping your grass healthy by managing its salt levels. But what’s the best way to do that? Can you use a lawn spreader for salt? And should you?

Turns out you sure can!

In this article, I’ll explore why using a lawn spreader for salt is an easy and effective way to take care of your yard. Read on to learn more about how a good old-fashioned American tool like a lawn spreader can help keep your grass looking beautiful all year round!

What Is A Lawn Spreader?

A lawn spreader is a tool used to disperse fertilizer or granular materials such as grass seed and ice melt products over large areas. They come in various types and sizes for different applications; from handheld models to larger wheeled units. Lawn spreaders are great for spreading material evenly across your lawn with little effort.

When it comes to choosing the right spreader for you, there are plenty of options available. Handheld spreaders are ideal for smaller spaces while wheeled versions can cover more ground quickly.

Certain types of salt may require specific spreads – like liquid concentrate versus dry crystals – so it’s important to read the manufacturer’s instructions before buying one. Not only will this ensure you purchase the correct model but also help keep maintenance costs low by avoiding any damage caused by incorrect use.

No matter which type of spreader you choose, proper maintenance is essential for keeping it functioning properly. Your machine should be regularly inspected and cleaned between uses to prevent clogs or corrosion due to moisture exposure, especially when using salt-based products on icy surfaces.

With regular care and attention, your trusty lawn spreader can provide years of reliable service!

Advantages Of Using A Lawn Spreader For Salt

Using a lawn spreader to put down salt has some major advantages.

Ease of Use

For starters, it’s much easier than doing the job by hand.

They Save Time

You can cover a wider area of ground in no time at all, making sure every inch is covered and that nothing gets left out.

Space And Material Efficiency

When using ice melt or granular salt products, using a spreader also allows for more even coverage so there aren’t any bare spots where the product will be ineffective.

What’s more, you, you don’t have to use as much material – salt. This means less waste, which is good for your wallet and better for the environment too! You’ll get more bang for your buck with efficient application and can rest assured knowing that you’ve done your part to keep Mother Nature happy.

Overall, having access to a reliable lawn spreader makes salting an outdoor space quick and easy – plus it helps conserve resources while still providing excellent results.


Proper management of salt use in lawn care is essential to ensure its effectiveness while minimizing risk.

It may seem like an easy solution, but it comes with some drawbacks.

Uneven Application Is Risky

Uneven application of the salt can lead to clumping and patchy coverage that makes your driveway look worse than before. This is a result of salt-clogging, which emanates from uneven distribution.

Mixing Corrosive Materials

Depending on the type of material used in the spreader, corrosion-causing materials can mix into the salt which could be hazardous if left untreated.

Limited Accuracy

Controlling where exactly you want the salt to go is difficult when using a lawn spreader because there are no targeted options available.

Although the limited accuracy issue might not seem like a huge issue at first glance, most people who use their spreaders find themselves having to laboriously shovel excess salt away from areas they don’t want treated. This often leads to waste and frustration as well as extra time spent outside during cold winter months.

When considering whether or not a lawn spreader should be used for salting driveways or sidewalks, these factors must be taken into account in order to ensure satisfactory results without unnecessary hassle and expense.


If you’re looking to de-ice your driveway or walkway, a lawn spreader isn’t the only way. There are other options when it comes to spreading salt around icy areas.

You can use an ice melter like rock salt or sodium chloride and apply it with a hand spreader or even just by sprinkling it over the area yourself.

A hand spreader is much smaller than a lawn spreader but still allows you to evenly disperse the ice melter across your property quickly and efficiently. It also requires less effort on your end since all you have to do is grab the handle and start dispersing!

This makes it perfect for those who don’t want to lug around a heavy lawn spreader each time they need to de-ice their paths. Sprinkling salt manually can work as well – although this will take more time and energy, depending on how large of an area needs salting.

TIP: No matter which option you choose, make sure that you wear gloves and safety glasses in order to protect yourself from any chemicals you may be using while spreading the ice melt.


In conclusion, salt is an important tool to have in your arsenal when it comes to keeping your lawn looking healthy and vibrant.

Using a lawn spreader can make the job of applying salt much easier and faster than hand spreading or using other methods. It also allows for more precise application of the material so that you don’t waste any salt or end up with too much concentrated in one area.

The main disadvantage of using a lawn spreader for salt is that if you’re not careful, you could end up with large clumps or uneven coverage which can cause problems later on. Alternatives such as broadcast spreaders and drop spreaders are available depending on your needs but they may require more time and effort to apply the salt evenly.

Ultimately, whether or not you use a lawn spreader for salt will depend on your individual circumstances, but understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each method will help ensure that you get the best results for your efforts.


Photos by Fransesco Alberti.
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