How Do You Edge A Lawn?

It’s estimated that nearly 50 million people in the United States care for a lawn. It takes lots of work to keep it looking its best, and one of the most important steps is creating a clean edge.

But how do you edge a lawn?

In this article, I’ll cover all you need to know about edging – what tools you’ll need, how to do it right, and why it matters in the long run.

Read on for a complete guide on everything there is to know about edging your lawn.

Required Equipment

Edging a lawn is an important step to keeping your yard looking neat and tidy.

To get started, you’ll need some essential gear like:

  • Shovels
  • Rakes
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Edgers
  • Edging guide

Preparation Stage

Before getting started on edging the lawn, there are a few preparations that need to be made.

Select The Right Tools

Selecting the right tools is essential for achieving an even edge and completing the job quickly.

A good sharp spade or half-moon edger will make it easy to get neat lines in soil or turf.

Prepare The Soil

Ensure that your soil is well prepared before beginning any trimming techniques will help you achieve better results. You’ll also want to secure the border of your lawn by re-grading the soil or adding edging stones around its perimeter.

Loosening any compacted soil with a rake and adding water if needed can give you a smoother cut when cutting down into the ground.

Watering your lawn lightly prior to edging can also help prevent crumbling dirt which could ruin all your hard work!

Set The Cutting Depth

Setting your cutting depth correctly before starting will save time from having to go back over areas once finished.

To do this just mark out where you want to edge with spray paint or string and then adjust the blades of your tool to match this marking. With these steps complete, let’s talk about the actual edging process.

The Edging Process

Edging a lawn can be an intimidating task for anyone who has never done it before. But with the right instruction, any novice gardener can learn how to edge their own lawn like a pro in no time!

Step 1

The process of edging starts with some soil preparation – removing weeds and turning over the topsoil so that bed lines are visible.

Step 2

Next, you’ll need to trim away any excess grass from the edges of your beds. You can use a string trimmer or manual mower and then remove any debris like sticks, leaves, and weeds.

Step 3

With all the necessary ground prep complete, grab a line marker or garden hose and draw out your desired design on the turf’s edge.

Step 4

Finally, use a sharp spade or half-moon edger to cut along those marked lines – creating clean edges around your flower beds and walkways.

TIP: Be sure to wear protective gear such as gloves and goggles as necessary when operating powerful machinery like mowers and trimmers around rocks and other obstacles.

Up next, let’s look at maintaining clean edges so they stay looking fresh all season long…


Now that you’ve given your lawn a beautiful, crisp edge, is it possible to maintain that clean look? Absolutely! Think about regular trimming, weed control and soil aeration.

Regular Trimming

There are several trimming techniques you can use including manual and electric trimmers.

Electric trimmers provide more even cuts while manual trimmers may be better for smaller areas or curves.

Weed Control

Keeping weeds under control is also important; regularly check for weed growth along the edges of your lawn and treat them accordingly.

Keeping up with regular maintenance tasks like trimming and edging will keep weeds at bay by preventing them from taking root in your yard.

Soil Aeration

Aerating the soil around the edges of your lawn will help keep grass healthy and strong so those pesky weeds don’t have an opportunity to grow in.

TIP: When choosing tools for edging, make sure they’re sharp enough to make precise cuts without tearing up too much turf. And use an edging guide to cut clean lines between your grass and hard-scape surfaces for a more polished look.

If done correctly, edging helps create neat borders between beds and walkways, allowing for easy mowing and keeping everything looking nice year-round.


Edging a lawn is one of the most important maintenance tasks for any homeowner who wants to have an attractive, healthy yard. It can be tedious and time consuming but it’s also essential for maintaining the visual appeal of your outdoor living space.

At first glance, edging may appear to be just another chore on the long list of things that need to be done around the house, but upon closer examination you’ll find that it has many benefits beyond aesthetics.

Not only does edging give your lawn clean lines and uniformity, it creates better air circulation which helps with water retention and encourages healthier grass growth. And let’s not forget about how great it looks when everything is perfectly edged!

So next time you’re out in your backyard taking care of business, don’t forget to break out the edger – because proper edging will take your lawn from drab to fab in no time! With all these benefits in mind, I’d say there’s no excuse not to edge up those blades of glory every once in a while.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Edge My Lawn?

There’s no set-on-stone rule for how frequent you should edge your lawn. Some people choose to edge every third mow while others do it every few months.

But generally speaking, let it be at least twice a year for optimal maintenance.

What Type Of Edger Should I Use?

Choosing the for your lawn is a critical step in achieving that crisp, clean look.

However, different types of edgers also offer different costs, maintenance requirements and techniques. So, the right type of edger depends on your budget, what you want to achieve and the techniques each type employs while edging.

Edging tools can range from basic handheld manual edgers to powered electric and gas-powered machines. Factors like terrain, budget and expertise should be taken into account when deciding which tool to choose.

With the right edging equipment you’ll have an easy time maintaining your lawn’s perfect edges all season long!

Is Edging Necessary For A Healthy Lawn?


Edging a lawn is not just essential for aesthetic purposes, it is absolutely critical to maintaining a healthy, lush lawn.

Without proper edging, soil preparation, fertilizer usage, mowing frequency, weed control and water management can all suffer. Sure, you’ll still have vegetation growing, but will lack the robustness that comes with regular upkeep.

So don’t take shortcuts when tending your turf – edging may feel like an extra step in maintenance but you won’t regret taking the time to do it right!

What Is The Best Time Of Year To Edge A Lawn?

Edging your lawn is an important part of springtime care. Taking the time to edge around fences, sidewalks, and driveways can help keep grass healthy and looking great.

To get it right, make sure you sharpen blades before beginning so that they cut cleanly through grass roots without over-edging, which could damage your lawn.

In addition to edging, adding a layer of mulch will provide vital nutrients for the grass while keeping weeds away from your perfect lines. The best time to do this? Early spring when temperatures are milder and soil moisture levels are optimal for fertilizer tips!

Are There Any Safety Precautions I Should Take When Edging My Lawn?

When edging your lawn, it’s important to take certain safety precautions.

Start by wearing gloves and maintaining sharp blades for the job.

If you’re using a manual edger, make sure to properly prepare the soil before beginning. Additionally, be careful when pruning plants near the edge.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that you stay safe while getting those crisp lines around your yard!



Photo by Maria Kraynova.
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